Parish Clergy

Clergy:  Father John Angelis from Seattle serves at St Nectarios.  Before the pandemic, he visited the Tricities several weekends each month - providing services and community outreach.  On weekends that he was not here, Divine Liturgy was provided on selected Saturdays/Sundays by visiting priests.  On weekends without a Divine Liturgy, a Typica (reader) service was held on Sunday.  Our goal is to return to having live in-church Services.

Contact : For clerical questions and information, please contact St Nectarios via email (, call the St Nectarios Church (509 547-3968), or contact Father John directly (2O6-678-636O). Father John also has a Facebook page where his shares his faith (13) FrJohn Angelis | Facebook.






Please see 'Announcements' (under the 'About Us' Tab) for additional information about St. Nectarios activities.

 The Orthodox Marketplace - The offical online store of the Greet Orthodox Archdiocese of America

 Iconogram: Share the Orthodox Christian Faith with an Iconogram

 Monastery:  St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery